First Cast
Fly Fishing Manitoba
Welcome to your one stop location for
- Fly Fishing Guiding
- Fly Fishing Lessons
- Fly Casting Instruction
- Fly Tying Classes
In one form or another Fly Fishing Manitoba is the longest running and continuous fishing (let alone fly fishing specific) website and forum in Manitoba!
Many Manitoba fishing and fly fishing sites have come and gone. Many have come and gone and come back again but we have kept the light on for fly fishing in Manitoba since 2003.
Growing out of a Yahoo mail list to a free website to where we are today. A group of fly fishers, from the dedicated to the dilettante, who share information reasonably and quite freely.
Out of that has grown a cottage business of fly casting instruction, fly tying classes and guided fly fishing trips for visitors to Winnipeg, local people in the city and the surrounding area of Manitoba.
To book your Fly Fishing Adventure, Fly Casting Lesson or Fly Tying Class, contact us today at

Your guide is Robert Burton. He has fished this province for over 2 decades as a fly fisher. He has caught fish in 7 provinces and several US states. He only angles using a fly rod, so he knows how to catch fish in almost every situation on the fly!
He has taught and guided clients from Winnipeg as well as many Canadian Provinces and American states. He has also had clients from Europe, Central and South America.
Whether you have zero fly fishing experience, no experience outside of trout, no experience fishing abroad, Robert can get you on fish.
Robert is not an outfitter. He does not supply a boat, waders or lodging. Just local knowledge, flies and supplies. He can also provide fly rods and outfits.
We pick you up at your hotel take you fly fishing somewhere in Manitoba and then bring you home. We have water and snacks.
Major meals are your call and we do know the best places in our fishing areas
Robert Burton
204-770-0846 (Texting only)