Last Chance
Busy weekend Fly Fishing wise. Friday I went fishing, Saturday I taught a casting lesson. A guy from outta town. Live near some good fishing and wants to do it with a fly rod.

Remember the super keen guy who want me to guide him? Well with my info he went and caught his first fish. But he still wanted to go fishing so I took him on my Whiteshell tour. The aforementioned snow and sudden melt made the conditions horrible for my Friday fishing and we got skunked at multiple location on this day too.
I did show him some great spots that he revisited the next week and still got skunked.
Guess we’ll have to wait till spring!
Lac Du Bonnet Manitoba October 18th
I would have hoped the water would be prime this time of year. We all know about the fall feed bag that fish put on this time as we head to cold cold weather.
Well a little something happened this month. We got a record snow fall early on. I mean more snow than we’d get in an entire winter. If that wasn’t enough, it all melted in a week!
So the water temperatures dropped while the water levels rose…significantly!
I don’t know if this merely put the fishing down or out right killed them in this tiny water body.
But I got skunked!
The fishing reports from before the snow were good.

It was also very cold and windy.
But if it was always easy, it wouldn’t be interesting