Same Secret Creek New Stretch
The other stretch of secret creek is becoming a series of beaver dams. Sure the fish are there but it is more like pond fishing. Very few wading stretches. On top of it the land is flooded so gettin between those ponds is hard to impassable. So I broke out my back roads maps and Google Earth and found a new stretch. Wider, less tangled, no beavers, one dam that you can fish and walk around. Fewer fish but a better fly fishing experience.
Don’t ask where because I will not tell you.
Tiger Trout and Brown Trout Manitoba Still Water Fly Fishing
A little eastern Fly Fishing For Stocked fish. Its was cold and windy for this Easter Fishing but 3 fish were caught before skedaddling back to Winnipeg for Easter dinner

some idiots who tied off on the aerator buoy. they also went fishless

Fairford River Freeze Off 2017 Edition
What better way to start our 2017 Manitoba Fly Fishing Season than to go out on April 1st