Fly Fishing Reports for 2023
To save time and to have pleasant, fly fishing stuff to do in the winter, I have just made one large report.
As I didn’t go to Florida and it was a long winter, My first report is not until May.
1. May 14th Secret trout creek
If I am going to wait this long to fish, better make it a good one! Lots of walking and small trout to get the cob webs out.

2. Manigotagan River May 22nd
A couple hours north, in the middle of nowhere for bass, pike and red fin suckers.

3. Manigotagan River May 28th
Go to the same place twice in a row? Well give the sucker runs and presence of big female bass is temporary, get will the getting’s good!

4. Secret Creek June 18th
Pretty much Father’s day fly fishing
5. Pine River Manitoba June 30th
1st day on a 9 day trip. First stop is the lower crossing of the Pine river. No fish really but beautiful shots from my drone.
6. Pine River Manitoba July 1st
Canada Day Fly Fishing For Native Brook trout!

7. Goose River Manitoba July 2nd
Near Cranberry Portage. Took a while to get a feel for the place. Managed a sucker and to crash my drone. It was retrieved and flew fine!

8. Goose River July 3rd
We explored the lower Goose River searching for the Brook Trout.

Then headed back up closer to the canyon.

When you’re the trip photographer, getting pictures of your own fish can be a challenge.

Not much chance to get a night sky photo on this trip

9. Goose River July 4th
Stu Trying for a resting pike in the shallows.

When we say it’s a one fly situation, it means the fly lasts one fish.

10. Barbe Lake July 5th
Is it pronounced Barb or Barbie?
Stocked Trout Brookies and Rainbows
I took only a couple of photos of landed fish as I was counting on my GoPro Footage to cover the rest but the GoPro 11 defaults to HVEC format and that is a whole layer of processing. Suffice it to say I caught quite a few big trout both Brookies and Bows

11. Barbe Lake July 6th
The rest of the group did a day trip into Amphipod Lake I returned to Barbe.
Again, I counted on the video to capture my success but I manage a few more pictures.

We finished the day at Goose River.

12, 13. July 8th and 9th Pine River
On the drive back we revisited the Pine.
Kinda a repeat of last time, lots of nice fish and scenery

14-15. More Brook Trout
I will never tire of brook trout. Our little secret was in high water mode (with the help of a beaver family)

16. August 14 Downstream of the private access brook trout section
Nothing but chubs. But they take a fly well (especially drys), fight hard, grow big and there are large numbers! Hardly picture worthy though.

17. August 22nd Fly Casting Class
I joined fellow club members in teaching a fly casting and fishing class. I am not a fan of this approach (large numbers varying levels of interest) but people learn to cast a bit and saw fish landed.

18. Aug 26 Brook trout Stream
Never disappoints

19. Trip to Ontario for Labour Day
My sister rented a cottage in Tamworth. The dock fishing was amazing but also a nearby stream to wade for smallies!

20. Dock at Tamworth
Actually the dock. As mentioned the fishing off the dock was spectacular!

21, 22, 23, Sept 29, 30 Oct 1st. Failed Pine River Trip
Thought a fall trip to the Pine would be awe some. Turns out the fish disappear at this time. We tried the lower mid and headwater sections and got zero fish. The scenery was spectacular but we needed to go to an old standby to actually get fish.

25. Oct 15th Lyon’s Lake
I remember when the bulk of my reports would be out of the Whiteshell area with the River and this lake making the majority of trips. Still a beautiful easy access place to fish.

26. LDP Trout Pond
As the light fades it’s nice to have a couple of trips that don’t entail driving back in the dark with every other car having headlamps with X-Ray strength.

27. Fairford River
When the weather changes here, it changes hard. Now we have ice flows and snow on the ground. Walleyes on a fly rod!

28-35 Florida Dec 23rd-31st
Every year we go to Florida to celebrate Christmas. What’s Florida without fishing bass ponds and what’s Christmas without flyfishing?
A mix of Largies, Shell Crackers, and Pumpkin Seeds…some of which got photos

That’s it folks. 35 fishing days. Some all day some just a few hours. This is a number I strive to beat each year. This was a low year for me so next year should be easier.
Fly Fishing Manitoba
R3N 1P5
(Texting only) 204-770-0846