Fly Fishing Manitoba

Fly Fishing – Fly Tying – Lessons – Guiding – Winnipeg MB. Canada

March 29, 2015

Fariford River Freeze Off

Our annual event. Cold weather not bad fish caught tradition upheld!

April 06, 2014

Fairford River Freeze Off

Manitoba is covered by 6 months of winter most years. Spring is this ethereal thing that looks and feels more like well more winter. Nonetheless afew of us hardy souls head out to the only open water in the province…the Fairford River!

The water is clear, clean and wade-able. So why don’t I fish it more ofte? Because it is 2-3 hours of the most boring and somewhat dangerous driving in the province.

We hit it the last Sunday in March which coincides with the end of the regular fishing season, Spring Break and the warmest part of the late winter.

March 26, 2012

Fairford River Freeze Off

Now leading up to this day we had temps in the high 20’s but any other year fishing at the end of March and having a day time high of -1 with no wind would be considered a blessing.

So the Fairford River Freeze Off was on even if only 2 participants from Fly Fishing Manitoba were there.

It was -5 on the wake up in the ‘Peg and 5 degrees cooler at our destination.

At Ashern there was icicles on the trees and signs.

July 19, 2010

Slightly Busy Guiding Month

I had a couple of Fly Fishing clients this month. One was a Dell computers employee from Texas. His thing was to fly fish where ever his company sent him.

I’m going to fish THAT!

Another one to hand

Oh there’s fish able water below that

Oh yeah the bugs

But there are fish too



























































































































The next Clients where two teachers from Sudbury. Not a lot of fish caught but one of them got a personal best.

It’s not Fly Fishing unless the fly gets in the tree

I dunked my camera after this

May 05, 2010

Riding Mountain National Park Fly Fishing For Pike

An unsuccessful pike trip to Riding Mountain National Park

February 09, 2010

Fly Fishing Guiding for Northern Pike

By way of Introduction Pt 2
A trip,Fly Fishing for Northern Pike I guided a couple from Colorado

February 06, 2010

By Way of Introduction

By way of Introduction

Vid of a laker and bass trip we did a few years back.

Fly Fishing Manitoba, 2025. All Rights Reserved

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